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- * Videos, Articles, Journals
- * 2025-02-16 Sisterhood Paint Night
- * 2024-10-21 Simchas Beis Hashoeva
- * 2023-12-10 Chanukah Carnival
- 2023-11-11 Men and Boys' Learning
- * 2023-11-06 Siyum Seder Nashim Mishnayos
- * 2023-10-23 Siyum Mishna Yomi
- * 2023-10-22 Making Cards for the Chayalim
- * 2023-10-05 Simchas Beis Hashoeva
- * 2023-03-27 Matzoh Baking
- * 2022-09-18 Hachnasas Sefer Torah
- * 2022 Sefer Torah Summer
- * 2021-11-26 Rabbi in Israel
- * 2020-12-06 Chanukah CARnival Driveby
- * 2020-03-11 Purim Seuda (39 photos)
- * 2019-12-22 Chanukah Carnival
- * 2019-10-16 Simchas Beis Hashoeiva
- * 2019 Lag B'Omer Bonfire
- * 2019-33rd Anniversary - Yonatan Razel
- * 2019 Purim
- * 2018 Chanukah Carnival
- * 2018 Succah Construction
- * 2018-32nd Anniversary Concert
- * 2018 72K in 1DAY Fundraiser
- * 2017 Simchas Beis Hashoeva
- * 2017 Succah Raising
- * 2017 Israel Sheva Brachos for Rafi and Molly Kristall-Weiss (8 photos)
- * 2017 Picnic
- * 2017 31st Anniversary Celebration
- * 2017 72K in 1DAY Fundraiser
- * 2016 Chanukah Carnival
- * 2013 Bais Medrash Dedication
- * 2013 Purim
- * 2011 Pearlstone Shabbaton
- * 2011 Melava Malka
- * 2010 Melava Malka
- * 2007 Cleanup Day
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About Us
Congregation Tiferes Yisroel is an Orthodox synagogue, led by Rabbi Menachem Goldberger. Our members come from many diverse backgrounds. Some have always led an Orthodox lifestyle, while others first learned of traditional Judaism later in life.
We represent a wide range of professions and interests, but being part of the Tiferes Yisroel family gives us a lot in common. There are so many things that make our shul special ... we can but lightly touch on of a few of them here.

- Family
Not only do we all feel like a shul family, we keep the whole family of members in mind in everything we do, through activities such as Shabbos groups for boys and girls of various ages, a playground in our yard, and a lounge upstairs that is reserved for nursing mothers and babies during Shabbos services. - Music
The joyous and uplifting nigunim (tunes) we use during services, many of them composed by Rabbi Goldberger, are something that we look forward to all week. Music, both singing and playing, is also a central part of many of our various get-togethers throughout the year, such as banquets, concerts, Melave Malkas, Shabbatons and Lag B'Omer bonfire. It's a great way to draw closer to Hashem and each other. - Community
Both within our shul and throughout the larger Baltimore and even world-wide community, Tiferes Yisroel members take the lead in helping where they're needed, whether it's making sure guests are set up for Shabbos, doing repairs in the shul, collecting to buy furniture for a needy Baltimore family, or helping terror victims in Israel. We feel that connection to community is an essential component of Judaism. In particular, our connection to Israel is deepened by shul trips and by maintaining close connection with our many members which have made aliya. - Learning
Our shul offers an impressive and growing schedule of opportunities to grow in Torah. Rabbi Goldberger is naturally at the forefront of the shul's learning program, giving many shiurim in various topics to both men and women every week. However, many other members also have much to offer and give selflessly of their valuable time to share their wisdom with us all.
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldberger
Rabbi Goldberger's CD
Our Recipes
Fri, March 28 2025
28 Adar 5785
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Pushka Challenge
The pushka challenge is to put something into a pushka every day, e.g. 36 cents a day. When your pushka is full, empty it into a ziplock bag marked with your name, and drop it into the locked mailbox at 3310 W. Strathmore Avenue. If it is difficult for you to drop it off, please contact Shlomo and Ahuva Goldberger at 410-358-4456 to arrange a pickup.
Today's Zemanim
Alos Hashachar | 5:46am |
Earliest Tallis | 5:58am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 6:58am |
Latest Shema | 10:05am |
Zman Tefillah | 11:07am |
Chatzos (Midday) | 1:12pm |
Mincha Gedola | 1:43pm |
Mincha Ketana | 4:51pm |
Plag HaMincha | 6:09pm |
Candle Lighting | 7:09pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 7:28pm |
Tzais Hakochavim | 8:39pm |
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