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Mechiras Chometz 2023

Monday, April 3, 2023 12 Nisan 5783

12:00 AM - 11:59 PM


Rabbi Goldberger will be available for Mechiras Chometz at his home. Details on the times are have been sent to our email subscribers.

Rabbi Goldberger prefers the mechira to be done in person so a "kinyan" can be made at the time of the transaction.
If it is not possible for you to come in person you may do the mechira through email at  .

Please show the following “contract” in your email -- “I/We [your name/names], hereby authorize Rabbi Menachem Goldberger, of  Congregation Tiferes Yisroel of Baltimore, and appoint him as my/our agent to sell my/our chometz according to the language of the harsha’ah [power of attorney] which Rabbi Goldberger has in his possession, for this coming Pesach, 5783.”

Write your name/names, address, and telephone number as well.

If you would like to follow the custom of giving the Rabbi a monetary gift at this time,please do so by giving a check to Rabbi Goldberger at his home, dropping it in his home mailbox, donating on the Donations menu through Rabbi's Discretionary Fund, Mechiras Chometz, OR by using the form, below.
Wishing everyone a chag kasher v'sameyach!

Donation for Mechiras Chometz


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