To see our photo albums, look at the submenu on the Gallery Menu at the top of the screen.
Video Clips
2025-03-16 Interview with Rabbi Goldberger on 613 Seconds
2023-10-05 Simchas Beis Hashoeva 2023 (Courtesty of Ze'ev Beleck of "Your Event Livestreamed")
2022-10-12 Simchas Beis Hashoeva (Courtesy of Ze'ev Beleck of "Your Event Livestreamed")
2022-09-18 Our Hachnasas Sefer Torah -- Full Livestream
2022-07-10 Kumzitz for our Sefer Torah Summer
2022-05-18 Community Wide Lag B'Omer Celebration
2022-02-09 Rabbi Goldberger's Dvar Torah - Tetzaveh - for Hamodia
2020-11-24 NCSY Interview with Rabbi Goldberger by Rabbi Menachem Tenenbaum
2020-10-30 Message from Yonatan Razel
2020-10-25 34th Anniversary Concert with Yonatan Razel
2020-10-25 Rabbi Goldberger Dancing with Keely Goldberger
2020-10-25 Promo and Highlights from the 2019 Concert with Yonatan Razel
2020-04-05 Yonatan Grinberg Playing Yonatan Razel, in time for Pesach
2019-04-01 33rd Anniversary Concert Introductory Remarks
2019-04-01 33rd Anniversary Concert with Yonatan Razel
2019-04-01 Faces of TY Over 33 Years
2018 Chanukah Carnival (credit Yehuda Tenenbaum)
32nd Anniversary Celebration - 2018 - Rabbi Goldberger's Message (Credit RC Video)
32nd Anniversary Celebration - 2018 - Our Honorees (Credit RC Video)
2017-12-21 Binny for President!
Shul Election, 2017 Thanks to Tina and Tom for this promo (Credit Mo Margolese)
Zos Chanukah Candle Lighting 2017 (credit Jay Taffel)
Simchas Beis Hashoeva 2017, Part 1 in the shul succah (credit Scott Parsowith)
Simchas Beis Hashoeva Part 2
Yom Yerushalayim 50th Anniversary Rabbi Goldberger's talk on "Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh - Jerusalem The Holy City" upon the 50th anniversary of its reunification (credit Rabbi Yitzi Weiner)
My Heart Aches for Yerushalayim -- For Yom Yerhushalayim, a video and composition by our own Eric Gerstenfeld.
Lag BaOmer 2017 with Rabbi Goldberger
Lag BaOmer 2017 -- Singing and dancing to Rabbi Akiva (credit Louis Feinstein)
Lag BaOmer 2017 More -- Singing and dancing (credit Louis Feinstein)
Rabbi Goldberger -- Be Holy, Be Human -- February, 2017
Havdalah at Baltimore Shabbat Project 2016 Singing and dancing in honor of Shabbos. Featuring Nossi Gross's havdalah; Rabbi Goldberger dances along with Rabbi Hauer and Rabbi Silber.
30th Anniversary Concert, 2016. Rabbi Goldberger with Rabbi Yehuda Leib Goldberger, Eitan Katz, Nossi Gross, and band.
Lag Ba'Omer Bonfire Singing and dancing to the strains of "Bar Yochai."
Dancing After Birkas Hachama 5769 Clip begins at around 50 seconds into the video
Rabbi Goldberger -- Yehi Ratzon Rabbi Goldberger performing his original composition, "Yehi Ratzon," with Mark Singer on violin, and shul members on guitar and drums. Recorded at a Pearlstone Retreat Center Shabbaton Melava Malka.
Rabbi Goldberger -- Yom Tov Song Rabbi Goldberger performing his original composition, "Yom Tov Song." Recorded at a Pearlstone Retreat Center Shabbaton Melava Malka.
Leventhal Hachnasas Sefer Torah Completion of the Torah dedicated by Drs. Ed and Mesa Leventhal.
Anniversary Ad Journals
- 2018 - Ad Journal - Honoring Louis and Gail Feinstein, Lev Avraham and Rachel Rosenstock, and Moshe and Shula Davids
- Photos from Simcha Photography and Video 410-653-6666
- Article and Photos in Baltimore Jewish Life
- 2017 Ad-Journal- Honoring Stuart and Esther Macklin, Mordecai Zev Margolese, Binny and Brocha Margolese, and Mo and Shaina Margolese
- 2016 Ad Journal Honoring Ken and Chana Birnbaum and Jerry and Elka Rottman
- 2015 Ad Journal Honoring Yaakov and Batsheva Goldman
Tiferes Yisroel in the News
2022-09-18 Hachnasas Sefer Torah Celebration in BJL photos by Shlomo Goldberger
2022-07-13 Hamodia Article -- Sefer Torah Summer
2019-03 Baltimore Jewish Life with VIDEO
2018-02 Inyan Magazine Article featuring Rabbi Goldberger
2018-02-08 Baltimore Jewish Home -- Article on Rabbi Goldberger
May, 2017 -- Rabbi Goldberger's Yom Yerushalayim Talk (Baltimore Jewish Life, by Talia Raun)
April 2017 -- 31st Anniversary Celebration in Baltimore-Jewish-Home
March 2017 -- 31st Anniversary Celebration in Hamodia (by Devorah Klein)
March 2016 -- 2016 Anniversary Concert -- (Baltimore Jewish Home, by Talia Raun)
March 2016 -- 2016 Anniversary Concert -- (Baltimore Jewish Life, by Talia Raun)
May, 2015 -- Kitchen Dedication in Memory of Mrs. Miriam Lowenbraun -- (Baltimore Jewish Life)
June, 2014 -- A Tribute to Mrs. Miriam Lowenbraun -- (Baltimore Jewish Life)
September, 2013 -- Bais Medrash Dedication -- (Baltimore Jewish Life)
April, 2013 -- Lag B'Omer at Har Miron -- (Baltimore Jewish Life)
April, 2011 -- "The Other Rabbi Goldberger," Intermountain Jewish News
Our Shul Succah Artwork
The design for our succah was created by Chana Singer and painted by members of the shul.